As @Mr-HeBo mentioned, the "virtual" birthday calendar is not syncable with caldav. It is only shown in web app of calendarplus and it uses contactsplus for the birthday data. It...
:-1: And I mostly prefer google maps because of its traffic dependend routing... And now? ;)
I also like opensource and use it whereever possible. And I also like the openmaps if I want to have a look, where something is geographical.. But I think, mostly...
I had this in official calendar app with some events, too, In my case it was caused by confirmed (darker) and not confirmed (lighter) events. I saw the difference in...
I think that's more a favorite mark rather than a default mark. And setting favorites by default might not be a good idea in some cases. I like it, that...
I understand your point of view. And if there can be found another way to see **in an overview**, which contacts have been revised after import, I would have no...
If you are the admin of the cloud, a complete and scheduled (daily and rotating) database backup of owncloud data is the best thing to do - and so it...
There's no need to register to use the maps service. To switch to german language, the link is Contacts+ does give the address as a parameter to a map...
@libasys Everything is ok. As long as it doesn't depend on subscriptions or registrations or additional owncloud apps. For **me** english gui in maps is no problem. But maybe some...
To make it clear: With my proposal, I have **not** been talking about the "world map feature", showing all contacts in a map (button with world map). I've been talking...