Whether django-ninja has a caching mechanism, and whether django's cache configuration is valid for ninja.
I need to output the value of return in the following function in the format of {"msg": "success", "code": 200, "data": qs}, but I can't solve it through various common...
```Python async def search(request, keywords: str): item = await sync_to_async(list)(Movie.objects.all()) if item: return item ``` Error code after running ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Program Files (x86)\Anaconda3\envs\django\lib\site-packages\ninja\operation.py", line...
1.76版本的时候发现这个问题 但忘记怎么解决了 现在1.79还遇到这个问题 在setting里面 # # 设置代理 PROXY_EXTRACT_API = "http://webapi.http.zhimacangku.com/getip?num=2&type=1&pro=&city=0&yys=0&port=1&time=1&ts=0&ys=0&cs=0&lb=1&sb=0&pb=4&mr=1®ions=" # 代理提取API ,返回的代理分割符为\r\n PROXY_ENABLE = True 这里num为1 在spider文件里 自定义配置 __custom_setting__ = dict( SPIDER_THREAD_COUNT=1, SPIDER_SLEEP_TIME=[1, 3], SPIDER_MAX_RETRY_TIMES=10, ITEM_FILTER_ENABLE=True, # item 去重...
import feapder from feapder.network.proxy_pool import ProxyPool from feapder import Request from datetime import date from feapder.db.mysqldb import MysqlDB import time, re from utils.tengxunCos import tengxunCos from utils.langconv import * proxy_pool...