
Results 10 issues of David

Besides styles for selectedDate it would be grate to add styles for _**current day**_ When user scrolls it is nice to indicate current date. how can I highlight it ?

Hello, calendar is very nice, want to ask if you are planning to add dayjs support instead of moment?

When I'm trying to run command to build assets I'm getting an error ``` /opt/homebrew/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/yarn/bin/yarn.js run build:assets yarn run v1.22.17 $ fc-build-assets --fc-template ./assets/fusioncharts-tpl.html --fc-library ./assets/fusioncharts /bin/sh: fc-build-assets: command...

Hello, my issue is more about the question of how to work with scenes? This part is really not described well in docs. I was trying to create scene like...

Hello, I can't find how I can handle success or error connection to the database. AfterCreate method seems not working. Any ideas on how to do it? Basically, I want...

Hello, I found a problem with swipe actions. I'm swiping card and callback calls but animation didn't happen and object is still in array. How it can be fixed? Here...

Hello folks, so, I faced a problem and can not understand: is it a limitation of `Jetson Orin` or, did I do something wrong? So I cloned the repo, installed...

when I am opening app page on chrome web store I can not download it. Text on button is - price not available


Hello, @andrewmcgivery your ionic-ion-autoListDivider helped me a lot, thank you. But I faced a problem. I want combine all non letter symbols and digits under one divider. For example I...

Hello, I tried already many options including manual remove and install all dependencies but have an error with this. Any suggestions? ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/765596/21463503/3188e970-c97b-11e6-95e8-805af87e49f2.png)