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Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
When we run `with_gtsummary_theme()`, we see the printed name of an existing theme when it is not needed. This message should be suppressed.
These docs are not up to date
I want two versions: 1. vanilla that uses my system settings, 2. one like cran with `--as-cran` set and `NOT_CRAN=false`
``` r devtools::load_all("/Users/sjobergd/Documents/GitHub/gtsummary") #> ℹ Loading gtsummary tbl_hierarchical( data = cards::ADAE, variables = c(AESOC, AETERM, AESEV), by = TRTA, denominator = cards::ADSL |> mutate(TRTA = ARM), id = USUBJID )...
``` r devtools::load_all("/Users/sjobergd/Documents/GitHub/gtsummary") #> ℹ Loading gtsummary tbl_hierarchical( data = cards::ADAE, variables = c(AESOC, AETERM), by = TRTA, denominator = cards::ADSL |> mutate(TRTA = ARM), id = USUBJID ) |>...
``` r library(survival) library(cards) library(gtsummary) packageVersion("cards") #> [1] '' bind_ard( ard_continuous(trial, variables = age, by = trt), survfit(Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ trt, trial) |> cardx::ard_survival_survfit(times = c(12, 24)) |> dplyr::mutate(context =...
I was looking at a two-way ANOVA analysis and was confused by the p-value in the table. Usually the p-values are reported for the independent variables and not the model...
The `'gts_column'` is defined in the bridge function, whereas the other `tbl_*()` functions define the gts_column before the bridge functions. To be consistent with the other functions, we should migrate...