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Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
I've found these two issues in `tbl_cross()`: 1. The `digits =` argument doesn't seem to be respected. In the reprex below, I try to add 4 decimal places to the...
The list can be more streamlined, and have additional items added specifically for new ARD functions.
Adding an overall column to a demographics table is super common. The cards package makes it simple to add overall statistics in the `ard_stack()` function. Since we'll already have all...
The pkgdown site has the rendered tables on the site. Would it be nice/helpful to have a link to the pgkdown help file site from the help file to easily...
We will also need to support `add_ci.tbl_svysummary()`
There are many tables for analytic results that are the primary result among all subjects on the first line, followed by the same result stratified by another variable. I think...
We need an ARD-based function for items like AE summaries. This still needs some thought. First proposed API.... ```r tbl_hierarchical( data = ADAE, heirarchy = c(SOC, AE), by, # can...
``` r library(gtsummary) trial |> select(grade, response) |> mutate(grade = paste("Grade", grade)) |> tbl_strata2( strata = grade, .tbl_fun = ~ .x %>% tbl_summary( label = list(response = .y), missing =...
This should be in conjunction with the footnotes updates
In the past, I've posted on SO with solutions that access undocumented internal objects...I shouldn't have done that. At some point, it would be kind to go back to old...