Dimitri Diakopoulos

Results 36 issues of Dimitri Diakopoulos

`engine-openvr-scene` has the beginnings of a teleportation-style locomotion system. A long time ago, Valve and others discovered that fading to black before the teleport event minimizes locomotion-induced sickness. This will...

good first issue

Somewhat trivial feature that requires renderer modification. We need a better API to disable render passes (for instance, to only leave the skybox). Rendering the procedural skydome every frame is...

good first issue

* Object pool (arena?) * Memory pool * ~~Component pool~~ * ~~Alligned allocator~~ A generic memory pool is relatively simple and useful enough that Polymer should have one even though...

This is a precursor to #23 Scene light probes were recently moved from being a shader-oriented assets to scene-oriented assets, now we need to build a small pipeline to bake...


* convert metallic/roughness/occlusion into 3 channel texture * compute mips with better-than-box filter * export as *.dds (dxt1/dxt5)




The HRTF implementation in LabSound is well functioning, but large code surface area. Support for ambisonics and other HRTF models would be helpful but require further complexity. Proposal: wrap the...


help wanted

Wrap existing C++ API

help wanted