Dimitri Diakopoulos

Results 33 comments of Dimitri Diakopoulos

Hi @caselitz -- It sounds like you're unblocked on this feature already from bchretien's fork, but if you're feeling adventurous I just pushed preliminary support for this feature on a...

@svenevs The only rational thing I can think of is given by the example in the PLY spec. Mixed uses of triangles and quads.

@caselitz working on it for 2.2 :) Long tail is not the actual implementation itself but testing it adequately

@caselitz yes, 2.3 will entirely be dedicated to variable length!

Can you explain you use-case a little bit more? It's the first time someone has requested this feature so I'm curious to know more. It's challenging namely because it's unclear...

#3 is accurate. #46 I resolved with the issue's author on email somewhat (NaN's in ascii are not supported but I don't document that anywhere). I'm not sure I'll address...

Hey @RamonArguelles this is definitely a bug and thank you taking the time to properly diagnose, debug, and fix that! I'd be happy to accept a pull request.

I will take a look at this for tinyply version 2.4. As we discussed over email, the specific issue is that tinyply will write NaN values fine, but fails to...

Thank you @PerspectivesLab I will take a look

The usbserial firmware isn't related to hiduino. In fact, these usbserial compiled hex files come directly from the Arduino Github... or at least I thought they did. Reference the files...