I'll take a look at this @nloureiro
> I'll take a look at this @nloureiro Oh, someone has already been working on this and the file is locked it seems. Do we need more flexible components to...
Oh @nloureiro , I see you've updated the file with the latest version for this now, must have missed this in the general DS file. Been looking at the way...
> If I understand, you are advocating not making a component out of this because all things can be "boxed" on "fullwidth sections." Did I get it right? > with...
> Next, DS components are to be made: > Box / all-purpose section Great! Need to try some stuff on how to make it work best in Figma. Currently thinking...
I've added some things in the main file: - [Base Components / Box](https://www.figma.com/file/NrNxGjBL0Yl1PrNrOT8G2B/ethereum.org-Design-System?type=design&node-id=12651%3A53795&mode=design&t=FMkzjg1Pmo83QP7l-1) - [Composed Components / CTA Banner](https://www.figma.com/file/NrNxGjBL0Yl1PrNrOT8G2B/ethereum.org-Design-System?type=design&node-id=12653%3A4390&mode=design&t=FMkzjg1Pmo83QP7l-1) So as discussed above, the **Box component** is somewhat all-purpose that...
As a sidenote, I fiddled around with a variant for oversized artwork as an image, but would require refactoring the Image placeholder quite a bit and restrict it to certain...
After dealing with some design tickets I'd like to explore this! I'll try to refine the color system based on a global palette and creating relevant design tokens from this....