Results 7 issues of Dawn

Currently when users export results from Reach into a CSV, we still have a few roles that appear to be unnecessary for future analysis and could become confusing. We need...

As a user, when I sort results from newest to oldest in policy document results table, I want to see policy documents sorted from 2020 > older. Currently I see...

User testing last quarter showed that people were looking to the 'How Reach Works' page for instructions on how to use the product, rather than an explanation of the algorithm....

@lizgzil commented on [Thu Mar 19 2020]( The comparison with Uber's results found that there were parts of websites where Uber found a lot of citations of Wellcome trust funded...


Currently in the 'Discover Citations' results page, users can see part or all of the research publication title. We believe that users (desk researchers) will want a link to the...

In 'Browse Policy Documents' currently search works by retrieving words found anywhere in all policy documents available. E.g. 'Wellcome Collection' searches as 'Wellcome' and 'Collection' retrieving all documents that contain...

@lizgzil commented on [Wed Sep 19 2018]( If there are lots of authors on a paper then they might just list the first 5 and then write 'et al', we...