Ok, I did it and modified the survey layer in order to make it look like my own project, and now it behaves like in my description above. What I...
Same crash for me. I just duplicated a table but changed a column from character varying(255) to bytea, then inserted into the new one all the records from the old...
I just did, with the same result. Is there any specific python library required by DigitizingTools that could be missing on my system ?
As soon as it will be available I will and let you know.
I don't know. This is exceeding my skills, but I don't have that error and the processing plugin loads correctly.
Bad news : QGis 3.0.3 doesn't fix the issue.
I tried this morning and it crashed the same.
Nope, it was not even installed.
That's exactly what's happening and unfortunately version 1.1.1 did not solve the issue.
I understand. Just ask, If you have another idea some day.