
Results 11 comments of dcorriveau-omniscient

If we use custom validators in a group (not directly tied to a field), is it possible to generate the final message (from the model `errorMessages` template) and return the...

@udos86 My question was related to the use of validators with DynamicFormGroupModel **AND** CustomValidators **AND** error messages with replacement tokens (all at the same time) **AND** Custom Dynamic Controls. >...

I don't think I will work on this but if anybody wants to grab this issue, you can use `EnvDTE80.Solution2` and look at the solution's property `StartupProject`. I'm doing it...

We also encountered the issue multiple times, so I'll investigate this.

+1 for this. Having a UI to add packages directly from within VS is a requirement in our environment and since we're using a private Nuget server this issue is...

Amazing ! The UI still need some love but it's usable. Thanks.

@isaacabraham I actually did implement the init function in the VS addin yesterday, but then after using it I realized that function is utterly useless. Like @vilinski said, you can...

@isaacabraham `convert-from-nuget` does add the solution level folder and link to `paket.dependencies`. ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11891420/12816397/47895aee-cb1a-11e5-8cc0-06958f3c12bd.png) You don't need `paket.references` in your projects if you don't have... references yet. So after you've run...

Ok, but what are you looking for exactly (what are you missing from the `convert-from-nuget` command) ? You want it to create empty paket.references in each project of the solution...

Ok then I will let you handle this and see with @forki if it's the direction you guys want to take. It seems to me like we're leaving the the...