Dirk van den Bekerom
Dirk van den Bekerom
Re-opening due to renewed interest (more to follow)
Hey, that would be great - but only if that's not too much work!
Hey, good to see you here! Thanks for letting me know, I still have to look into setting up the actual tests themselves but am definitely switching to travis-ci.com!
Oops you're probably right that it is compatible with other molecules already! Well that's an easy check in that case :)
What about we couple it with pypdfplot 😁?
[ regarding pypdfplot: go ahead and open an issue! although chances are slim... I will make a reddit post when I finish the matplotlib backend so you can use it...
It came up running one of the tests, let me find out which one it was...
Just so you know, I'm looking into this but I'm in the process of figuring all the code out...
How about this: we (=RADIS) uses the available software to crank out Dunham coefficients, and uses the Dunham coefficients from there on? This way we stay on top of current...
I noticed in the example ``plot_gpu_widgets.py`` if you tweak the sliders only slightly, the spectrum shoots up. This means the update calculates the spectrum differently (wrong) than the initial spectrum....