Daniel Moura
Daniel Moura
for handy search on strings
Look at https://fugue-tutorials.readthedocs.io/tutorials/fugue_sql/python.html
Allowing to load dictionaries (e.g. key/value from json files), and in the query do dictionaries look-ups. This would cover a kind of LEFT JOIN with an equality condition. e.g. ```...
Utility or keyword that automatically summaries a dataset, e.g. by calculating # of non-null values, # distinct values, average, min, max ...
Some cases where the code could be more pythonic: - some `for` cycles where `range(len(l))` might be replaced by `enumerate` - some functions where `yeld` might be used to return...
Memory-based processor that only stores the top/bottom rows in queries of type: ``` ORDER BY ... LIMIT x ``` where `x` is not too large.
e.g. ``` DO name = json->customer->name SELECT name FROM json WHERE name.startswith('A') ``` `DO` might not be the best keyword, e.g. it is used in postgres to execute a single...
e.g. ``` INIT a = 10; b=2 SELECT col1 * a + b FROM ... ```