Daniel Moura
Daniel Moura
What would be the most efficient way of calculating the average of a JSON property using fx? Thanks
Hey! Are you able to calculate aggregates with ojg? If so, could you please provide an example of an average of a field (using the command-line tool if possible)? Thanks!
allow for continuous reading from stdin (don't wait for EOF). only for JSON lines format. options to refresh every x seconds / y records
option to print simple statistics about the input data. e.g. for each field - number of missing values - number of distinct values - avg, min, max (if numeric) -...
Leave your comments for the [JSON benchmark](https://colab.research.google.com/github/dcmoura/spyql/blob/master/notebooks/json_benchmark.ipynb) here.
Allow multiple explosions in a single EXPLODE statement. Some possible syntaxes: - `EXPLODE json->i_am_an_array[]->i_am_an_object->i_am_another_array[]` - `EXPLODE json->i_am_an_array, json->i_am_an_array->i_am_an_object->i_am_another_array` The 2nd is easier to parse and allows for explosions in different...
Currently explode has the following behaviour: ``` SELECT row.name, row.departments FROM [ {"name": "Alice", "departments": [1,4]}, {"name": "Bob", "departments": [2]}, {"name": "Charles", "departments": []} ] EXPLODE row.departments TO json ```...
Modifiers: - [ ] SELECT * EXCEPT - [ ] SELECT * REPLACE ### SELECT * EXCEPT A SELECT * EXCEPT statement specifies the names of one or more columns...