Daniel Moura
Daniel Moura
That is good to know, thank you for your feedback! Let me think on it.
> Thank you, @dcmoura ! Proper JOINs would not be easy from scratch, but I would suggest using pandas like this: Using pandas goes against the principles of SPyQL. Pandas...
> 1. Hmmm, unfortunately, that seems a bit complicated to me. Hope syntax similar to SQL can be used, as supported by `clickhouse local` Right now supporting JOINs (as in...
Hey! Yes, this is true. Currently, we only support a single data source in the `FROM` clause. You can do [very simple joins](https://github.com/dcmoura/spyql/tree/master#equi-joins), but I understand it is not as...
Hi @LavanyaDS. This is a problem related to encodings, probably this (http://python-notes.curiousefficiency.org/en/latest/python3/text_file_processing.html#files-in-a-typical-platform-specific-encoding): > UnicodeDecodeError may be thrown when reading such files (if the data is not actually in the encoding...
@LavanyaDS Were you able to solve the problem? We can prioritise support for different encodings and encoding errors handling.
@LavanyaDS There is one other option: setting the env variable PYTHONIOENCODING. With it, you can set the encoding and the behavior on encoding errors. http://docs.python.org/3/using/cmdline.html#envvar-PYTHONIOENCODING
Hey @Minyus, thank you for your feedback! Have you tried the following? ```sql SELECT col1 FROM text('test.csv') TO pretty ``` The `text` processor simply reads each line into the column...
BTW, alternatively, you can remove the first line (header) of the file using `sed` and then piping the output to spyql: ```sh $ sed 1d test.csv | spyql "SELECT col1...
> Thank you, @dcmoura ! > > I didn't know `text` processor. > > Since `text` processor needs OFFSET option or preprocessing (by sed) to handle single-column text files with...