Daniel Moura
Daniel Moura
Whatever would be more efficient :-) My question is, if you have to calculate an average from a large file (1GB-10GB JSON lines), what option would you recommend for best...
Let's say we want the average of the `overall` property. With `jq` I would do one of the following: ```sh jq -n '[inputs.overall] | add/length' data.json ``` or ```sh jq...
JSON lines, e.g. ``` {"overall": 2.0, "another": "bla"} {"overall": 4.0, "another": "bla bla"} {"overall": 1.0} ```
OK, thank you
Here they support functions: https://github.com/json-path/JsonPath
> I'm curious as to why libraries like [ultrajson](https://github.com/ultrajson/ultrajson) and [orjson](https://github.com/ijl/orjson) weren't explored. They aren't command line tools, but neither is pandas right? Is it perhaps because the code required...
Hey @cube2222 ! > I've actualy already done the necessary changes in OctoSQL that I described in the [HN thread](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31038182). Thanks for motivating me :) It was much less work...
> Hi! Your benchmark interested me and I decided to run your tests with `clickhouse-local` tool (the program enables you to perform fast processing on local files, without having to...
> > I was trying to run clickhouse on colab and I get the following error. I have actually run your installation script. Could you help? > > Colab is...
Hi again @cube2222. It seems that I cannot do arithmetic expressions on octosql, or I am overlooking something? Thanks! ``` $ octosql --output json "SELECT reviewerName as name, reviewTime as...