Damien Ciabrini

Results 40 comments of Damien Ciabrini

Some food for thought, I couldn't find an easy way to fix this issue... I believe we want to read the trace fd until it's closed to make sure we...

Have you build your program yet with "make"? Can you paste the output of make gngeo?

Instead of using the Makefile copied from ./examples (which is a direct git checkout of ngdevkit-examples), can you try to replace your copied makefile with the standalone example that is...

That indicates that the rom is not built in this directory. You either haven't run "make" before, or the compilation failed somewhere. Can you type "make" and see what the...

Sweet! thanks for the links :)

I wonder if the GLSL backend could be the cause of the crash here. Can you try to run the example with the soft blitter instead and see if the...

> @dciabrin The first command worked! Thank you! > Good to know. > Here is the stack trace: > Ok that definitely looks like the the way gngeo uses threads...

This might very well be a timing issue in the code on real hardware. I started this default sound driver from scratch so it's very likely that the z80 code...

> So this may be related to [prepare_wait_in_ram_opcode macro](https://github.com/dciabrin/ngdevkit/blob/f845e9c40fb9c8f6ee562933fb08a311785667ae/nullsound/macros/nullsound.def#L60) and its usage in the [MROM init](https://github.com/dciabrin/ngdevkit/blob/f845e9c40fb9c8f6ee562933fb08a311785667ae/nullsound/driver/nullsound.s#L45) and the [snd_command_01_prepare_for_rom_switch](https://github.com/dciabrin/ngdevkit/blob/f845e9c40fb9c8f6ee562933fb08a311785667ae/nullsound/driver/nullsound_commands.s#L48)? So I think that this one shouldn't but the culprit, because...

Also https://wiki.neogeodev.org/index.php?title=Z80/YM2610_interface is probably a more specific answer to my previous comment.