Dan Chiba

Results 12 comments of Dan Chiba

I think the developer or message author should be able to specify one of these: - a predefined formatting style such as short, medium, long and full - a skeleton...

(4) pattern is useful for cases in which the same format is expected regardless of the locale. For example, this may always print the ISO 8601 standard calendar date (e.g....

> I also disagree with this concept. It seems very unscalable (I cannot imagine trying to override 5 or 10 locales) and it locks a pattern in place forever as...

It is essential for an internationalized application to respect the local format that the user is accustomed to. This is why all OSs have a locale setting that is used...

> The position that this (english string, german date) is not universally agreed upon among this group. Please, don't present it as if it was. I agree it's misleading. It's...

Apache MyFaces is an excellent example of Web application framework that meets this requirement.[`LocaleContext`](https://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad/trinidad-api/apidocs/index.html?org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/context/LocaleContext.html) class provides `getFormattingLocale()` as well as `getTranslationLocale()`.

Renaming, originally from "Inline comments / extendable inline" to "Extendable inline markup" to better reflect the nature of this requirement.

Let me quote the definition of ["Terminology" data category of ITS](https://www.w3.org/TR/its20/#terminology): _The Terminology data category is used to mark terms and optionally associate them with information, such as definitions. This...

> I think you can manage this outside the translatable assets (in the TMS) as well. Pontoon already does this if I'm not mistaken but I have also seen this...

> Context is one of the core features of commercial TMSes/CAT tools and I believe there is already good ways to provide this today (outside syntaxes) External syntax is not...