David Hersey
David Hersey
Ok will do (on my phone too). Might be emblem-cli; If that's the case is there anything I can configure to resolve the dependency? > On Nov 24, 2015, at...
Yes!! Was playing with ember script first and still had it on the brain. I uninstalled that one as it seems out of date. > On Nov 24, 2015, at...
Ok, will try that and let you know. > On Nov 24, 2015, at 4:31 PM, Kim Røen [email protected] wrote: > > Not that I can think of right now....
Yeah, it's a little ambiguous. I'm basing this on the fact that a) The responsive features don't work on the title but DO work on the dropdown b) The following...
I did get it to work -- but honestly I cannot tell you how at this point; I've been away from the project for about 2 months working on something...
I experience the same issue ... note that is after using `build_mac_app` ``` lane :mac do match( type: "appstore", git_url: "xxx.git" ) build_mac_app(scheme: "XXXXX", clean: true) changelog = File.read("./testflight-changelog.txt") upload_to_testflight(...
Ok, finally figured it out ... documentation on both fastlane and apple side is confusing. Turns out there is **nothing** to do differently build-side for publishing an ios app to...
Not sure about why this error occurs... but if I had to guess it's that I'm trying to do something that does not make sense.
This is nuts ... if anyone wants a working example of HMR with react-rails that supports hooks, look at this: https://github.com/Leap-Forward/react-rails-hmr .