David Blumenthal-Barby
David Blumenthal-Barby
I just tried again, to be sure. Inside my Python 3.8.10 environment, I did a `pip install -U pygame`, which installs `pygame-2.2.0`. I then tried `pip install wasabi2d`, but I...
When I try this in my environment: `pip install --force-reinstall -v "wasabi2d==1.4.0"` ... it tells me the following, which sounds to me like it explicitly wants `pygame==2.0.0.dev10`, which somehow does...
Sadly, this does not work. `pip install pygame==2.0.0` dies with an exception. `pip install pygame~=2.0.0` installs 2.0.3 which gives the same errors when installing Wasabi. I fundamentally don't get this...
I have no idea! Here's a complete shell output from an attempt with `pip install wasabi2s --no-cache-dir`. Cache disabled to be sure everything is downloaded fresh. Python is 3.8.10, as...
When I download `wasabi2d-1.4.0.tar.gz` [from Pypy](https://pypi.org/project/wasabi2d/#files) and unzip it, the `requirements.txt` contains the following line: `pygame==2.0.0.dev10` Might that be the issue? I'm not sure what it looks like in the...
I upacked the wheel file from the same Pypy page, and I see the following line in the file `wasabi2d-1.4.0.dist-info/METADATA`: `Requires-Dist: pygame (==2.0.0.dev10)` I'm not a pip or wheel expert...
Ok, to me it looks like the wheel file which `pip install wasabi2d` downloads contains requirements which cannot be satisfied, at least not if your are trying to install on...
Unfortunately, when playing around with Wasabi just a bit, I encountered crashes in really basic functions, such as drawing text. Presumably that's due to my "fix", using too recent versions...
**Update:** After a Chrome update to 115.0.5790.102 (July 20), the bug seems to appear slightly less frequently, but it still exists.
@kmcgrady , thanks for the update. I've tested today with Streamlit 1.29 – sadly, the problem is still there. I noticed today that it's not only the chart that is...