
Results 21 comments of David

Hey @batamayo59, thanks for your suggestion. I'm currently limited in what I can add to the dataset by what can be found on Transfermakt. I can't recall seeing these figures...

Documentation on heroku website is unclear on whether Heroku Basic * Is the cost up to 7$ a month, but it it can be less depending on usage? * Is...

> Is scale-down to zero available for Basic plan? This is unfortunately not true, hence the basic plan is not an option. Currently exploring Railway.app

Railway.app exploration failed: it turns out that Railway.app is based in aws apprunner, on which streamlit [does not seem to work.](https://discuss.streamlit.io/t/new-deployment-option-aws-app-runner/13084)

> Have you considered using PythonAnywhere? It's owned by Anaconda Inc but they have a commitment to maintaining the Free Tier. > > https://www.pythonanywhere.com/ @namtonthat I hadn't. I'll definitely take...

Though still a nice to have feature, I do not see it as a priority for the near future considering that #44 enables users to request access to the backend...

One option we did not consider enough is to setup a Cloudfront distribution to enable HTTP based access, and use some [rate-based rules](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/latest/developerguide/waf-rule-statement-type-rate-based-request-limiting.html) to limit the number of requests, for...

@siddhanuka, the contract expiration per player is already being scraped. Check this line https://github.com/dcaribou/transfermarkt-scraper/blob/25620ce7e746da012e6339885e57132c92a72771/tfmkt/spiders/players.py#L80 This represents the expiration date for the current contract of each players (i.e, if a player...

As far as I can tell, "Not in Squad" appearances can be inferred from `appearances` and `games` (i.e, there was a game an the player did not have an appearance...