
Results 9 issues of Dmitry

After upgrade to 1.1.1 from 1.1.0 i'm getting this error: UndefinedMethodException: Attempted to call method "setBlogId" on class "Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager" in /Users/hudson/Documents/Projects/Gpz2/Six3nine/Src/vendor/kayue/kayue-wordpress-bundle/Kayue/WordpressBundle/Model/BlogManager.php line 62. when trying to do something like this:...

Hello! Can you update Doctrine requirements? Something like ">=2.2.*" or similar. With current requirement i can't install the bundle on the Symfony 2.1.3-DEV composer update lyra/content-bundle Loading composer repositories with...

Imagine we have a complex form which contains following part: ``` html ``` This part submitted as array: > foo[]=10&foo[]=11&bar[]=11&bar[]=12 And on server side ``` php // $_POST['foo'] array(0 =>...

It would be great to have an ability to pass not only custom HttpParams, but also custom FormData

On macosx (zsh) fails with error > sed: 1: ".env.local": invalid command code . In this SO recommended to add `'' -e` after `sed -i` in case when...

In some cases when session not started it is not safe to pass null in $session in yii-debug-toolbar\panels\YiiDebugToolbarPanelRequest.php:54 ``` 'session' => isset($_SESSION) ? $_SESSION : null, ``` Because null value...

I'm running jms job queue with symfony 3.2 with php 7.1. When I'm trying to run command with one argument - it does not passed into command. Command config: ```php...

It would be an useful feature to allow add php options (like memory_limit) - and use them in JMS\JobQueueBundle\Command\RunCommand:getCommandProcessBuilder

After upgrading Django to 1.9 I got following error: ``` File ".env\lib\site-packages\pyjade\ext\django\", line 2, in from .compiler import Compiler File ".env\lib\site-packages\pyjade\ext\django\", line 65, in from django.template import add_to_builtins ImportError: cannot...