Diego Busacca
Diego Busacca
Any news on this isuee? Meanwhile there is a new deprecation note: [Deprecation] AudioParam value setter will become equivalent to AudioParam.setValueAtTime() in M65, around March 2018 See https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/#dom-audioparam-value for more...
Maybe it's because in my version the OwlMomentDateTimeModule is part of `@busacca/ng-pick-datetime` instead of and external package? Your're using the following import? `import { OwlDateTimeModule, OwlMomentDateTimeModule } from '@busacca/ng-pick-datetime';`
> @dbusacca Sir, can you also include `OWL_MOMENT_DATE_TIME_ADAPTER_OPTIONS` that were in `ng-pick-datetime-moment`package in your package as well? Would be super grateful, sir! I've published a new revision `8.0.2` which exports...
> I get following error when I use @dbusacca 's version: > `ERROR in ./node_modules/@busacca/ng-pick-datetime/date-time/adapter/moment-adapter/moment-date-time-adapter.class.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'moment/moment' in 'C:\Users\some\path\node_modules\@busacca\n g-pick-datetime\date-time\adapter\moment-adapter'` > > How can I...