Darcy Branchini

Results 16 issues of Darcy Branchini

I’m working with a SOLR index that contains URIs as IDs. I found this in the blacklight catalog_routing_spec.rb (line 36): ``` it "should route url-like ids" do pending "This works...

After discussion with stakeholders, we decided to present bound-withs in a minimal/lean fashion for the search results page and link to the record view for detailed information. However, **the request...

### Context See [SearchWorks - Library ID UX document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MGlq-S9anMmG0BXBTlASv0vFzYy-Z0xsWaU406dhbek/edit?usp=sharing) for problem statement, additional information and more context. ### Solution - Replace field label and instructions on the following screens: --...

For earlier discussions and context, see #3200. ## Solution Screens have been designed for displaying bound-with parent and child items on the instance record view in SearchWorks. ### Bound-with -...

For context or background information - see #3200. **Summary of problem** Currently, there is no option for a user to request a child item from that record view, instead a...


See #3200 for context and background and #4074 for related information - mainly the UI on the record view. This ticket allows the user to click a button to see...


New design for the file viewer included new icons to sul-embed, @justinlittman suggested moving this into a separate ticket. He mentioned that they are currently using their own font for...

Originally part of a redesign of the file viewer - See #1849 and https://www.figma.com/proto/LVP13xZ0HhrxAPHCnoMVW1/Embedded-File-Viewer?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=316-1113&viewport=-2703%2C-153%2C0.5&t=drUPK0C4xcXsgdsS-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=316%3A1113&mode=design for reference. In order to solve accessibility issues, we decided to make #1849 focused on the...


Initial ideas that were discussed: - Events for each facet category to better understand which facets users are using - Failed searches - Map interaction on the home page -...