Daniel Box
Daniel Box
Do you know if this works on Yosemite? Have a fresh install and was super excited to see that you'd done this. I got this: ``` Daniels-MacBook-Pro:.config danielbox$ curl https://jenius.github.io/config/install...
- [x] audio - [ ] area - [x] bdi - [x] bdo - [x] data - [ ] datalist? - [x] details - [x] dfn - [ ] dialog?...
New gif
need a new gif now!
https://github.com/kni-labs/rrssb/tree/2.0 - [ ] New dev folder structure: #118 - [x] Ajax loading of inline svgs - [x] New plugin style JS call w/ options - [x] Total counts per...
Seems perfect for Rucksack.. something everyone has to have in their responsive toolkit. https://github.com/arccoza/postcss-aspect-ratio Happy to attempt a PR if you want it.
Hello! We've been working over the last few months rewriting Axis from the ground up, which includes moving away from Stylus. All of the code is now part of the...
Per our [gitter-chat](https://gitter.im/static-dev/spike?at=584d66dd0da034021b976a81): Reshape SugarML files (with includes) that are rendered across multiple pages are causing the compile time to increase incrementally on each save. (Individual `.sgr` files are still...
Not sure where it went