David Boddie
David Boddie
A list of employers by region would be useful for those of us not looking to move half way round the world for work. Maybe it would even be possible...
Yes, highlighting employers who support remote working would be good, too.
If only it was as simple as joining those tables. :smile: Perhaps opening an issue there would be good, or maybe forking the repository and submitting a pull request later.
Using discretionary spending for conference sponsorship is already happening, I believe. Using it to fund projects is also possible. At a previous employer, the developers voted on which projects they...
Of course, these are the same questions that are asked when looking for sponsorship for a conference, or when a website runs a campaign to raise funds. For conferences, the...
The `__phello__.foo` module also needs to be excluded from the Ouroboros build - see #956.
Jeff Smith @whydoubt points out in [this message](https://gitter.im/beeware/general?at=5d2dd2d25fa7895c430fbced), the period in `__phello__.foo` makes it an invalid class name.