Andrew Haigh
Andrew Haigh
Same issue when trying to run "~/terraformer import azure -r *" using Terraformer v0.8.22 on Ubuntu 22.04.01 Here's the pertinent bit of output Getting OAuth config for endpoint with...
I fixed the problem by shifting to Terrafy as it's a lot easier to use, and not only exports the existing state, it generates the .tf files as well It...
It is Azure-centric as it is being developed by Microsoft - great for me, but unfortunately not for you Hope the terraform devs sort their problems out as this issue...
You will also need to differentiate each set of resources by resource group within the generated .tf file otherwise you get the default "res-" prefix generated for each resource imported...
Issue 19932 has been open since Jan 7th 2019 - it doesn't look like it's been given much love since Plenty of people wanting this ability (myself included) This ability...