Daniel Benoy
Daniel Benoy
This tool will still be needed forever in order to restore backups made in the past. I'm currently in that situation myself. I'd like to use Atmosphere's built-in incognito, but...
Also you may want to boot OFW when you're not using homebrew, but you may be afraid that traces of CFW activity may exist on your device.
Bonus points if the progress is stored in ownCloud so it works between devices.
This goal could also be achieved by increasing the granularity for modification rights down to a per-record level (or perhaps regular expression? Like: `^(_acme_challenge\.)?managedname.example.com$` or `^www[0-9].example.com$` But indeed, your suggestion...
It'd be fun to be able to use a GG/PAR ROM and simulate having the device actually plugged in, and use its code input screen. Not very practical because it...
I can't disagree with any of this. I just gotta deal with the fact that sometimes lines will get long and things will crash and try to write my code...
This pretty much sums up my feelings about object oriented programming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM1iUe6IofM I'm no fan of C++. But I also don't think it would hurt this particular project to switch...
Excellent, I think you get the gist of what I'm saying then :) Never would we want to make a main loop class, or command handler class, or something like...
Although personally I'm a lot more reluctant to objectify things. I wouldn't make 'can X link to Y' part of the object's methods. Only anything relating directly to its data....
I like the regular expression idea! Although it would make tp_reserved_player_names feel awfully redundant afterward. `@tune disallowed_player_regex=[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]|^(Reserved_Name1|Reserved_Name2)$` (I probably didn't do that regex right but you get the idea :p)