uugh xrist that’s embarrassing! Sorry Joe. I scanned the window, but I think a bit was sticking out beyond the screen, I was certain that the rest of the patch...
Check Enziens GitHub for their custom vline object. There isn't an expression object so I think you need to recreate the formula with objects, though maybe there's a better option?...
I had some initial issues running on an s6 but can't remember the exact details. I think the location of the android plugin has to be in a specific directory...
This looks amazing, what are you doing with the front end/game input?
Sad times :( I really enjoyed using Heavy with Unity experimentation. Hadn’t did anything in a while but was planning on doing lots of stuff in the future with it....
I've let Unity run for about an hour triggering a sampler with this custom make note setup -> #N canvas 0 22 646 456 10; #X msg 512 249 1;...
I’m pretty sure you can’t send remote messages like this from Unity? Also when addressing a remote parameter in Hv you need to use the following syntax : for bangs...
This works. Be sure to use a capital on any parameter names you have chosen else if (Input.GetKey ("a")) { HeavyScript.SetFloatParameter(Hv_OSC_Unity_AudioLib.Parameter.Freq, 320.0f); //print ("space pressed"); } else if (Input.GetKey ("s"))...
I think your best manipulating a variable inside a function, and then assigning the variable in the SetFloat Or you could do the operations in PD and use a bang...