Danny Banks

Results 99 comments of Danny Banks

Very good points about the usability of the prefix. Maybe we can do prefix in the title for the module the issue is referring to, and use labels for the...

Here is the PR on the npm CLI adding support for aliased dependencies: https://github.com/npm/cli/pull/3

The style props being applied is one thing, which we are changing in the next major version in the above PR. To fix the problem of TextFields not stretching, you...

Ah I see the issue now. Yea we are applying the `grow` property onto the input instead of the wrapper element. A workaround before the next major version would be:

My apologies, this project is community driven and supported by a few individuals. I recently had a 2nd baby and am dealing with a lot of work and personal things...

I realized this is not released to npm yet, I was going to try to release today, but found a bug in our releasing scripts. Once I get that fixed...

That is correct, Style Dictionary is confusing that with a reference. It looks for anything in a string that has opening and closing curly braces. Generally I keep SVGs in...

Here is a quick example that shows a couple different JSON formats, 2 built-in and 2 custom: https://stackblitz.com/edit/style-dictionary-example-3jm9xf?file=config.js Do any of those fit the output you are expecting?

Those would work, except those comments (or any other metadata) would not be reflected in some formats, like `css/variables` or `scss/variables` for example. Other than the issue with `json/nested` (#464...

Hi @moniuch! Sorry for the late reply, things have been quite busy. There are 2 issues as you point out: 1. The reference syntax is different 2. Style Dictionary does...