Dana Batali
Dana Batali
Comes about when reading a file written with WvOut. It seems possible that the real problem is with WvOut writing bogus files, but this is definitely a problem here as...
Here is a simple proof-of-concept that provides a portable loadavg-like facility for chuck. This topic was raised on the chuck-users listserv and commented on by @spencersalazar. I've tried this on...
Here we migrate the "burned-in" RtAudio support to utilize the official github version. Costs: - use of submodules may be a headache across branches. Or for non-pro-level git users. Benefits:...
Would be nice to be able to discover the current set of string keys in the associative array component of an array. Perhaps it's as "simple" as implementing a keys()...
platform windows 10, python3.7.2 native build, pynetworktables version 2019.0.0 in one git-bash window, i start a pynetworktables server: `networktables.NetworkTables.initialize()` in another git-bash window, I start a pynetworktables client: `networktables.NetworkTables.initialize(server="localhost")` back...
Crash: Multiple instances of chuck can't listen on the same OscIn port? (windows, debug build) oscbug.ck ```ck OscIn o; 0 => int sid; 57120 => o.port; // default SuperDirt port....
I noticed this warning when compiling choc/tests/main.cpp on Debian 11 (bullseye).. I briefly looked into the web_view_evaluate_javascript approach and the change appears non-trivial, though quite doable I'm sure. Functions just...
chuck 1.4.2 appears to have broken Spectacle and Multicomb (RNG) by undefining RAND_MAX. Seems like an opportunity to modernize and decouple. Both chugins want a rand2f function. Here's a simple+modern+portable...
`voiceExpanderModule.h` ```cpp template void foreachActiveVoice(int16_t noteId, //
When I pass an ArrayBuffer to a webview-bound function (ie via webview->bind("myfunc", []...), choc declares the value to be an object. The object's type is reported as "" and the...