Dana Batali
Dana Batali
Comments from ChucK engine-experts more than welcome. Is the globals-manager the best way to do this? Should it be made more first-class? (I explored adding it to chuck_types, but punted...
Howdy - I took a crack at adding this feature and have it for perusal on my fork here: https://github.com/cannerycoders/chuck/tree/chugraph2 I have an example of its use here: https://github.com/cannerycoders/chuckdoc/blob/main/src/examples/extend/chugraph2a.ck (i...
@gewang : any chance this could make it for the imminent release? Happy to make a pull request as you see fit.
This request is more about whether one can embody multichannel effects chains within the context of a reusable chugraph subclass. Definitely nice that one can use arrays for multiple ugens.
Seems like a good workaround for a class of uses. Seems like Pan2 support might be needed.
chuck.exe hangs on kill signal from windows/powershell with mouse input in command prompt/powershell
Hey Nick, I believe this new datapoint may be relevant. I have a growing suspicion that there's a problem with the global_manager. We might need to get @lathertonj to chime...
chuck.exe hangs on kill signal from windows/powershell with mouse input in command prompt/powershell
Btw: it's possible that the Event-system teardown is a separate but related issue. My guess is that the global shutdown triggered by ctrl-c is at odds with some other shutdown...
chuck.exe hangs on kill signal from windows/powershell with mouse input in command prompt/powershell
Here's another clue. I notice that on windows the sigint is delivered in a separate thread from the Main thread. There seems to be a race condition between cleanups. Still...
chuck.exe hangs on kill signal from windows/powershell with mouse input in command prompt/powershell
I put a print statement in ~ChucK and this log shows that it's being called twice (Destroy Chuck begin). Both of these calls are triggered by chuck_main::global_cleanup. ``` chuck tick...
chuck.exe hangs on kill signal from windows/powershell with mouse input in command prompt/powershell
So here's a hack solution. In chuck_main.cpp::global_cleanup() ```cpp void global_cleanup() { static int inprogress = 0; if(inprogress) return; inprogress = 1; ``` This eliminated the crashes (so far). Of course...