Daniel Bachran

Results 13 comments of Daniel Bachran

Hi @ericfreese, I tried out switching to HEAD again (instead of 0.6.4) and disabling async mode (via `unset ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_USE_ASYNC`). As a result, I am not seeing those funny characters anymore....

Sorry, missed some parts in your previous question. Let me answer that from my local experience (running zsh-autosuggestions within Cygwin on Windows 10). > Does the problem occur if you...

Well, I guess my `~/.zshrc` is not the problem. When stripping off everything except for the following contents, I still get funny characters as soon as I am typing something,...

I also emptied all contents within `~/.zprofile` and `~/.inputrc`, without success, unfortunately. Now I got an ugly shell AND funny characters. 😉

Oh, but I noted the following: I am using a custom console on Windows (https://github.com/cbucher/console), where I am seeing this issue. When trying to reproduce this issue with the Cygwin...

Please see a cleaned-up diff of running `set` within each terminal (console vs mintty) below, if this may be of any help? ``` --- zsh.set.console.sh +++ zsh.set.mintty.sh -'$'=1547 +'$'=1481 --=569JNRXZghiklms...

Hm... I was somehow hoping you could give me some further pointers. 😉 I am out of ideas, currently. And I am neither familiar with oh-my-zsh, zsh-autosuggestions, and how this...

Thanks for your ideas. Here the `setopt` output first. Default `setopt`: ``` alwaystoend autocd autopushd completeinword extendedhistory noflowcontrol histexpiredupsfirst histignoredups histignorespace histverify interactive interactivecomments login longlistjobs monitor promptsubst pushdignoredups pushdminus...

Ok, I found another thing, which is also pointing towards something within the terminal. When commenting out the custom ZLE widget funtionality of `zle-line-init` below in `key-bindings.zsh`, zsh-autosuggest is working...

You are right, this is a minimal `~/.zshrc` to trigger this behaviour (need to also load/overwrite the predefined ZLE widgets): ``` function zle-line-init() { echoti smkx } function zle-line-finish() {...