Michael Bickel

Results 19 comments of Michael Bickel

@dsnopek Makes sense. I was trying to make sure I didnt miss something otherwise obvious to bare in mind when it came to GDScript & C# @ellenhp That sounds great...

Hi there, concerning the second error: Given that the Haxe 3.2 release has still not happened yet, you are likely to see bugs come up as hxcpp and the haxe-compiler...

From the looks of it, the second error might come from the Nvg.text-calls. you might want to remove them and see if it compiles and shows the geometry when you...

Turns out Im free-riding the VisualStudio compilers benevolent limits and things are failing horribly with the casting hacks I did once we touch OSX or Linux. @Greg209 has already contributed...

Compilation on both platforms works now. There are some initialization issues however. Currently testing and trying to understand what's going on

Thanks for reporting this error! Yeah, there are definitely some issues present with all those nasty casts. Adding [proper support for osx and linux](https://github.com/dazKind/hxgodot-cpp/issues/6) is something I will tackle in...

Fix & Rewrite: https://github.com/dazKind/hxgodot-cpp/blob/main/src/godot/macros/ArgumentMacros.hx#L34