Results 12 comments of day-d

Sry, my bad. Log file: Is the **hastebin** broken?

I checked the changelog of version 1.17.11 and 1.17.12b. Having not seen the necessary fix in these versions, I did not even try to install them. I'll try to test...

The new version has the same error. I will try to install only your mod and conduct tests, but I do not promise that this will happen quickly.

I installed only your mod and did not see such an error. For what reason can there be an error in the mods pack and how to catch the culprit?

Any world. I don't use generators.

I thought of something else, I'll check it later.

I checked. This error also exists in the flat world. I only got to the first village and got the same error.

That's just this time many other mods took part in the mistakes. Is this probably a server core problem?

This approach will take a lot of time and will not guarantee that a bad mod will be found. However, thank you for your time!

EntityDamageByEntityEvent & EntityDamageEvent & PlayerDeathEvent - broken/not working. My code: ``` @EventHandler public void onDamage1(EntityDamageEvent e) { Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage("EntityDamageEvent"); } @EventHandler public void onDamage2(EntityDamageByEntityEvent e) { Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage("EntityDamageByEntityEvent"); } @EventHandler public void...