Katie Davis
Katie Davis
Hi @Nowosad - I uploaded the tif and site location data I was working with here, along with my code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10Ihl4IV3D-GNHWI1zH_3MXreJX67f3R_?usp=sharing
It looks like installing omnibus worked without an issue - should I install fasterRaster using 'remotes::install_github('adamlilith/fasterRaster', dependencies = TRUE)' or 'remotes::install_github('adamlilith/fasterRaster@intuitive_fasterRaster', dependencies = TRUE)' ?
Hmmm, I did try both (starting with the main branch) but I'm still getting what looks like the same error message as I was getting initially.
And installing from the tar file just threw the same message! Are there any dependencies I should check that I have/have the right version of besides omnibus?
I seem to be having lots of "I can't recreate this issue" problems lately! That's part of why I had reinstalled and updated R. I hit the same error message,...
Yes! It took me a little while to work out some kinks (even though my data was projected, it kept telling me it wasn't) - but I finally got it...