
Results 6 issues of 肥猫零零七

I want to use this framework, but I found that there are too few demos and the cost of getting started is very high. For example, I want to read...


In neuropod2.0, we only need to install a dependency and package TensorFlow and Pytorch models through python,then run it ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6194818/104419184-108b3e80-55b3-11eb-8a9e-aeeefa6046cd.png) But the whl released by Neuropod (v3.0.0-rc1) only has the...

when I use horovod to run deepFM, it error File "/home/maer/zhipeng.li/project/torch_rec_demo/torchrec_ctr/run_horovod_deepfm.py", line 451, in main(args) File "/home/maer/zhipeng.li/project/torch_rec_demo/torchrec_ctr/run_horovod_deepfm.py", line 380, in main model = init_model(device=device) File "/home/maer/zhipeng.li/project/torch_rec_demo/torchrec_ctr/run_horovod_deepfm.py", line 187, in init_model...

When CUDA-based programming is performed, the clangd plug-in displays a message indicating that ccbin is not supported. The error message is as follows json文件如下 ```json [{ "directory": "/mae_pat/zhipeng.li/develop/project/git_projects/cuda-trick", "arguments": ["/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc",...


### Bug description mojo-lsp-server: /__w/modular/modular/third-party/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/Support/JSON.h:318: llvm::json::Value::Value(std::string): Assertion `false && "Invalid UTF-8 in value used as JSON"' failed. Please submit a bug report to https://github.com/modularml/mojo/issues and include the crash backtrace along...


请帮忙查看新的 deepfm 的 报错信息 @MARD1NO 帮忙看一下新版本的 deepfm,另外下一步计划拆分稠密网络 和 所有的 oneEmbedding输入, 线上部署是 Embedding 不再通过算子而是改用推理服务器拼接的方式, 如果有好的方法可以微信沟通