@sidneydemoraes did you manage to solve this?
+1 here as well. We're using alembic as well and currently there's no intuitive way to perform down migrations.
I realise this project hasn't been updated in a while but there's a few things that seem useful in it (namely the EnumField and the TimedeltaField). Is there a specific...
> The source map feature ignores and drops query parameters when doing the mapping. Are there any plans to allow this behaviour to be configurable? e.g. `--preserve-query-parameters` or equivalent? My...
@angeloskaltsikis amazing! Thanks so much for the quick response, this did just the trick. I added the following as a pre-script: ``` git config --global url."https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}@gitlab.com".insteadOf ssh://[email protected] ``` And now...
I'm also interested in this. I've upgraded to `v6.4.0-beta1` to enable metric namespaces but "Guest (classic)" doesn't appear as an option
I just came across [this image](https://github.com/docker/dockercloud-authorizedkeys) that does the same thing I was trying to do but, again, has no effect at all despite a successful message 'New key added...