David Tucker
David Tucker
The current regex validation on the generator's SDK input only allows for relative directories above the current directory. It needs to be changed to also support child directories.
When testing in an iPad Mini (iOS 7 Beta 5), the scaling was off for landscape. This might be an iOS 7only issue.
The user will be able to navigate through pages of blog posts and not just a single long list. This will use the paginator generator plugin from the Wintersmith examples...
Currently the CSS/JS files are not gzip'd. We could probably save over 150k in transfer if these were gzip'd. This would need to be integrated into grunt. More Information: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5442011/serving-gzipped-css-and-javascript-from-amazon-cloudfront-via-s3
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently the Supabase documentation includes the lint functionality in the sample Github workflows. Since lint always returns a zero exit...
As Amazon has released an official AWS SDK for Node (http://aws.amazon.com/sdkfornodejs/), this plugin should move away from using Knox to using the official SDK. This will make it easier to...