David Tellez
David Tellez
Hi! That is strange. I have just cloned the repository, run it, and I am able to get 0.99 within 10 epochs: `loss: 0.0434 - binary_accuracy: 0.9854 - val_loss: 0.0205...
I don't fully understand your question, there is just one (1) encoder trained via CPC that can encode the patches. What do you mean by "the unsupervised encoder" and "the...
I see, no problem. In the original paper, they compare CPC with other methods, not VAE though. I have some code for VAE from another project so I might run...
Let's focus on equation (3) in section 2.2. It describes how to measure prediction error, and this is what happens: - The context ```c_t``` is mapped to a predicted image...