I couldn't load your videos, but as long as I could test, with Crhome you should not use pixel units, it doesn't works. Maybe it's an issue with recent Chrome...
I've implemented it and you are right, but it's just a matter of re-inserting the polyfill's JS or re-execuiting it's function just after loading your new content, as it works...
Here seems to happen with corrupted files on server side. I also noticed that no file is downloaded from folders with a space " " in its name. Maybe should...
@idoco I believe this **placeholderText** variable should be included in the instructions at the front page of this github. And it would be great if that "You" could be replaced...
@NFKData This variable `visitorPronoun` doesn't seem to be working when established in the `intergramCustomizations` . I've read the mentioned PR's, but can't understand... How is this "property" established?
@blokhin To solve the problem of the "unattendance" (when the operator is unable to answer immediately), I find it really straightforward if you simply adjust the message of **autoNoResponse** to...
Maybe an easier and shorter 2FA implementation could be integrated in TFM, by sending a code over email through a valid SMTP indicated in the configuration. To avoid the need...