Results 27 comments of David Szotten

i wonder if it would be possible to implement the auth hook to work via type annotations (instead of `auth=` ) which would ensure these two were in sync or...

what about supporting the type annotation in "simple" cases, e.g. when it's a single value, since that is also accepted by mypy?

i guess i'm +0. regarding implementation i guess it might now be worth factoring out

in the past when we've talked about this, it was often required on a per-call basis. it's tricky because all parameters to rpc are considered rpc paramters

1. no, i think the idea of timeouts is sound. though i'd say it's about _ergonomics_ more than style 2. we managed ok without timeouts at ofs (though the idea...

hey, thanks for the pr. i like the idea, though we may want to think about how we identify remote exceptions. while "module path" works pretty well for builtin exceptions,...

just thinking about this a little more, we pass exception args along as well, don't we? maybe instead of decorating local classes, we could (/should?) just supply a list of...

i don't know for certain, but i would guess that eventlet isn't compatible with cython, since it can't monkey patch the c code. you _might_ be able to call cythonised...

it seems unusual to expose an endpoint to remotely shut down a service. is this definitely what you want when you say "stop the service programatically". Typically this is done...

circus is a supervisor like supervisord. iirc, it has a mode where the supervisor process owns the listening socket, and passes file descriptors for accepted connections to its children (i...