I've also struggled with this error message. I missed the following from the usage instruction: > Angular's FormsModule is also required. After adding ```javascript imports: [ ... FormsModule, ... ]...
After deleting the `.gradle` folder it also works for me. Unfortunately this simple step doesn't fix the issue in my "real" project. Here I need to remove `micronaut-openapi` to make...
I was able to solve the issue within our project. We used a quite complex `@MappedEntity` within a DTO. After replacing the entity with a specific DTO, `kspKotlin` works as...
I already spent quite some time to isolate the problem to reproduce the error in a demo project but didn't managed it. As soon as I can reproduce the error...
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to reproduce the error in a demo project. Sorry! So yes - let's close the issue for now.
After spending some time trying to understand where the `RETURNING *` is coming from when using the simple `save()` method I found an answer by debugging the example application. `RETURNING...
> What do you mean by complete entity? With joins? Not sure if that is supported Yes - with joins. As the result would look like when using the `save()`...
I would like to help fixing this issue. For me it makes most sense to bind all values of `@GeneratedValue` annotated columns after saving the entity the same way as...
> What if somebody modifies one of the values and wants to see it in the entity? If the entity is saved with a specific value for a `@GeneratedValue` annotated...
For me it looks like we should handle this in two different tickets: 1. Fix handling of properties annotated with `@GeneratedValue` 2. Keep relationships of entity returned by `saveReturning`