David Schneider
David Schneider
> Global RBF could also be cheap enough. Evaluation is only a (sparse) matrix-vector product. At least in our current implementation, the evaluation is only a matrix-vector product. However, one...
Hi Denis, the main 'difference' your pointing out here is probably the associated coupling data used in the scenarios and watchpoints: the tutorial uses [`DisplacementDeltas`](https://github.com/precice/tutorials/blob/0482e5b4d3e1604dd031d2b113a2aaa63733c9a8/elastic-tube-3d/precice-config.xml#L23), which refer to incremental displacements....
> . I wonder whether one possibly need to tell OpenFoam somewhere that the passed displacement are total (w.r.t undeformed configuration) as opposed to incremental? No, OpenFOAM deduces the data...
Making the control part more obvious seems reasonable to me. I think your suggestion "Controlled flow.. " could also be misinterpreted, i.e., the inlet flow is controlled through a boundary...
IIRC the Aitken acceleration was way faster than the IQN acceleration, as the solver iterations are very cheap. I don't get why we apply everywhere IQN acceleration. In my opinion,...
Probably straight-forward to implement. I would add a new `locationsType` ('meshless`) and then accumulate the data we have in the data fields. Wouldn't it even be possible to use a...
Regarding the benchmark case you mentioned: Note that there are no adapter modifications required for the force calculation right now. If the receiving side operates only on a single vertex...
> But then how do we do it in deal.II? @davidscn We just read a Stress vector. On the OpenFOAM side we also compute it via normal vector x stress...
@yagi was able to install the CalculiX-adapter using multi-threading: The path to the `spoolesMT` library has to be added in the [`LIBS` specification](https://github.com/precice/calculix-adapter/blob/6fdce488932dd9f4c035b607008566617e5c44e0/Makefile#L43) **before** the actual spooles library. Example: ```makefile...
The adapter follows (to my best knowledge) the deal.II contributing guideline. I would refer to [their contributing file](https://github.com/dealii/dealii/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).