I would also like to see this, and I've opened a suggestion ticket here: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/169401-azure-active-directory/suggestions/42849189-allow-connect-azaccount-serviceprincipal-to-use Edit, Updated link: https://feedback.azure.com/d365community/idea/0ee4f121-b325-ec11-b6e6-000d3a4f0789
@Sharmistha-Rai , I was just wondering if you've had a chance to look at this in the past 13 months?
@AnuragSingh-MSFT removed the 'escalated-product-team' tag and closed this ticket almost 3 moths ago, without answering any questions or linking to any solutions, and this issue still exists. **'we are working...
@Naveenommi-MSFT , @rishjai-msft , and @AnuragSingh-MSFT . please reopen this ticket. This issue is **not solved**, and if a solution is released in 2 weeks, the ticket can be closed...
@AnuragSingh-MSFT, given the past commitments of "A manual way with a script will be available sometime this month" that was over 70 days late (and didn't work when 1st provided),...
Here's some info I've just received from Stripe support; ============ Hey David, Paddy from Stripe here. I've had a deeper look into your subscription issue and I've discovered why your...
@rossagrant FYI, My workaround was to set a 1-day trial. Then, once someone signs up, I tell that there's a bug that is causing a 24-hour delay in the billing....
I believe I've found another aspect of this bug; checkout code of; [s2Member-Pro-Stripe-Form level="1" ccaps="" desc="$34 CAD/month billed monthly" cc="CAD" custom="URL.com" ta="0" tp="1" tt="D" ra="34" rp="1" rt="M" rr="1" coupon="" accept_coupons="0"...
@jaswrks, just for clarity - this isn't just an issue with a label being applied incorrectly. Stripe has many integrations, and the ones that provide analytics, like BareMetrics.io or profitwell.com...
this is the board, FYI in case it's relevant: https://www.hackster.io/umpheki/uno-r3-wifi-esp8266-ch340g-arduino-and-wifi-single-board-eed9f6