David Pomerenke

Results 8 comments of David Pomerenke

I agree with @bengolds and @prikhi. The `Html` import violations clutter my _elm-analyse_ messages a lot. It would be cool if either - it would be possible to configure exceptions,...

Also many thanks from me for the very nice extension! I have a similar observation as wehlutyk, the main page and the individual package pages of https://package.elm-lang.org/ are broken iff...

I'm using the [Dark Reader](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/darkreader/) addon for Firefox -- I think it is the most common such addon and also "recommended" in the Firefox addon store --, and the result...

Does not work for me on Twitter either, using Firefox. The screenshots in the readme show the old layout of Twitter, maybe the add-on has not yet adapted to the...

Hi :wave: I'm experiencing a similar issue with `File.toBytes`. The scenario where the error occurs is the following: There is a file loading button. The type of the message processing...

I'm working with a dictionary with `Int` keys, and thus endorse this feature request. The solution seems to be already implemented in `Decode.Extra.dict2` from the [elm-community/json-extra](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-community/json-extra/latest/Json-Decode-Extra) package. Maybe it would...

I also stumbled upon this and looked a bit into it. In [the nicely commented source code](https://github.com/joblib/joblib/blob/1fdf3086674d7b1be27688e8c7aebd3159d89997/joblib/func_inspect.py#L130) it says: > We're in a IPython (or notebook) session. parts[-1] comes from...

Same issue. What do we need to specify and where?