David Parks
David Parks
I'm confused about MultinomialLogisticLossLayer, it seems like it's documented as a normal loss layer, and does what I want, but it doesn't have backprop implemented. Is it intended to be...
I'm running `plot_statistics.jl` from a windows environment, I can list the statistics, but plots don't work. I assume this is generic to windows because the below command also fails in...
I'm getting an error when globbing on S3: This looks ok: ``` >>> list(s3fs.glob('/dfparks/')) [GlobMatch(path='/dfparks/', info=)] ``` But when I add a glob to the path: ``` >>> list(s3fs.glob('/dfparks/*')) #...
Reproduce this issue as follows (replace BUCKETNAME). ``` > touch tmp.txt > s4cmd put tmp.txt "s3://BUCKETNAME/bugcheck/" # create an empty directory marker > s4cmd put tmp.txt s3://BUCKETNAME/bugcheck/file # create any...
#### Problem description `smart_open` is effectively crashing SeaweedFS/S3 and Ceph/S3 filesystems when doing many small reads over large files (ex: 32k read on a 4GB file). On a SeaweedFS/S3 filesystem...
#### Motivation The `smart_open.s3.Reader` class left the HTTP range header open (e.g. `bytes=0-`). That was done to allow multiple (future) calls to `read` to stream bytes from the same HTTP...
### Motivation I'm using `nginx`'s `auth_request` module to perform auth checks against `oauth2-proxy`. User auth works, but configuring JWT tokens doesn't. I've validated my JWT token signature is valid and...