David Parks

Results 27 comments of David Parks

I suspect I have a related issue to this, so adding it here. When trying to install the `deb` for `easyteather` I'm getting an error on `libssl1.1`. I can't seem...

Scratch my last comment, it appears that the `easytether` app just needs to update support for `libssl3` to support Ubuntu/PopOS 22.04. I thought of deleting the comment, it's a little...

Unfortunately not, I tried using Softmax loss but it performed really poorly in comparison to logistic loss which I use now in Tensorflow. I couldn't get it working in Mocha...

I can reproduce this error when I do not set the neuron property on the convolutional layer. It took me a while to narrow it down, but once I set...

I just got Mocha/CUDA running on windows 10 recently. I used CUDA libraries 7.5.18, and CUDNN v4. I did have issues with not having Visual Studio 2013 (not 2015) installed...

It does sound like like you've hit the important points, sounds like you've run into just about every gotcha I bumped into and resolved them in a way that sounds...

I believe this was just meant as a demo, it's not a framework to be used for production applications. The datasets are modest and the use of JavaScript makes it...

I can confirm that I'm encountering this error when trying to upload a file over 5GB via `fout.write(buf)` as you've stated in the simplified example. This stack overflow article appears...

Oh, so just raise an exception when one `fout.write(buff)` is called with a `buff > 5GB`? That would be an easy solution to deal with for me. I think I...

I started working on a solution, but it wasn't a very trivial change the way it's currently coded. I ran out of time and abandoned the effort back when I...