
Results 70 comments of davidme-stripe

Thank you for the PR, and sorry for the delay in screening it! We'll try to include this in a future update, though I need to think through some of...

Hi @technocraticOptimist, that's very strange! We're not doing anything unusual with the package configuration on our end, so I'm not sure why this is happening. We did recently add StripeApplePay...

Thanks for the suggestion, we'll take a look at making it easier to mock STPAPIClient! For our own testing, we use OHHTTPStubs and SWHttpTrafficRecorder in our [`STPNetworkStubbingTestCase`](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-ios/blob/master/Tests/Tests/STPNetworkStubbingTestCase.swift) to mock requests....

Hello @fangshiqi-start, thanks for filing this! This sounds like your app's Apple Pay entitlements may not be set up correctly or your device doesn't support Apple Pay, but it may...

Hi @joshua-mf, thanks for filing this! We're open to making `STPLocalizationUtils.overrideLanguage` public in a future update, though I need to dig into the details and make sure we aren't missing...

Thanks for filing! We'll take this into consideration as a future enhancement to this page.

Hey @Gujci, thanks for the request. We'll add this to our list for a future release, though it may have to wait until we work out our story for shipping...

Thanks for the feature request! Can you tell me more about your use case? We probably won't offer a direct API for individual bank logos (for one thing, we wouldn't...

Thanks for filing this, that's quite bad! We'll deliver a fix in an upcoming SDK update.

This assertion should only be present when compiling a debug build. Unless you've enabled assertions in release builds (using the `Enable Foundation Assertions` flag in the project settings), a released...