David Liu

Results 72 issues of David Liu

Signed-off-by: davidliu

``` // TransactionAction binds a proposal to its action. The type field in the header dictates the type of action to be applied to the ledger. type TransactionAction struct {...

**I want** a way to transform a javascript object(or json) to a protobuf binary without set attribute mannually to align schema. We have found a simple way to do so...

Nowadays, minifabric depends on rootfull docker damon with socketPath=`/var/run/docker.sock` See if we can detech and switch between using current user or root user damon, that is more graceful.

Now we know it is described in document that test has been done on Ubuntu 20. It will be better if we can configure and bind to any Continous Integration...

While I search on npm.js about nodejs package available for this MCJS. I could only find modules that possibly published by fans from forked version It should be better to...

The screencap below is all about Eclipse layout, but Spring Tools also includes distros for other IDE. So it is better to explicitly indicating this is for Eclipse IDE only.

In the previous archived repos https://github.com/apache/incubator-milagro-crypto/tree/master/version3/go I see there are golang implementation there. Where is it migrated to now?

It will be great that if we can provide a guideline to install oci-utils on Ubuntu or debian-like system.

Curerent Package ``` oci-utils-0.12.7-1.el7.noarch ``` I checked with others command like `oci-metadata`, and also see ``` ocid: command not found ```